SOA Studios, a division within SOA Games Inc., was established in late 2013, and stands at the forefront of mobile and tablet game technology and development. With a number of highly talented and forward-thinking designers, programmers and 3D developers on board, SOA Studios currently has a number of new and exciting titles nearing completion and release in 2014. With a handful of existing, as well as upcoming co-production partnerships with other existing game developers, SOA Studios is working vigorously to provide clients and worldwide audiences with the best games on the market for mobile and tablet use. Current games in development at SOA Studios: 1. Mighty Mo TKO – Expected release date mid 2014 Brief: Mighty Mo is a game targeted at mobile platforms such as Android and iOS on smart phones and/or tablets. This game allows users to create, train and personalize their characters (‘the boxers’) to participate in various grueling boxing matches and tournaments throughout the world. All matches are in first-person perspective, which allows users to have an exciting, intimate, and all-round boxing experience. 2. Zombies Clans – Expected release date late 2014 Brief: This game is dedicated to mobile platforms such as Android and iOS on smart phones and/or tablets. Players build their own cities in a post-apocalyptic, desperate environment, while fending off numerous opponents such as zombies. Gameplay consists of managing the city’s economy and various life-critical statistics such as gold, infection rates, morale and food. Players frantically rush to build defensive structures to protect themselves against huge on-coming assaults, whilst creating internal structures to make residents more comfortable and safe. 3. Star Fantasy – Expected release date late 2014 Brief: For all those star crazed fans out there, especially those who follow Korean actors, KPOP stars and public personality figures, Star Fantasy is the ultimate, must-have app. More of an interactive tool, rather than a ‘game’, Star Fantasy allows users to select 3D animated, life-like replicas of famous (endorsed) stars on their mobile or tablet devices. Users can interact with these stars by dressing them in memorable outfits, styling them with their favorite hairstyles and accessories, and image capturing them against various backdrops, and places. Users can even send fan-messages to Star Fantasy inboxes that have been made accessible by the actual stars themselves. In addition to developing unique and exciting new games, SOA Studios also provides full services for external clients with all games, website graphics, and programming needs.