Purpose This privacy policy (‘the policy’) applies to the website www.soagames.com (‘the website’) which is owned and operated by SOA Games Inc. (‘the company’), and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it, as well as any personal information that such users may choose to provide. This policy sets out the areas where user privacy many be concerned and outlines the various obligations and requirements of the users, the website, and the company. In addition, the way the website collects, processes, stores and protects user data and information will be outlined in the policy. Commitment The website and the company are fully committed to protection and appropriate use of user data and information, and ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to protect the privacy of its users wherever possible. The website complies with all Korean, Australian and US laws and requirements for user privacy. Cookies In summary, cookies are small files saved to the users’ computer or device hard-drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and website use. This allows the website to provide users with tailored experiences within the website. The website may use cookies to better the users experience when visiting the website. For example, when logging in or creating a new user name, the website uses a cookie control system (e.g. “remember me”) which provides the user with an option to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their computer or mobile/table device. Where the user does not login or allow the use of the cookie, no cookies will be used. Users may also adjust their web browser security settings to automatically block all cookies from the website. Please note that other cookies may be stored to your computer or device’s hard-drive by external parties where the website uses referral programs such as sponsored links or advertisements. These cookies are used for referral tracking and generally expire after 30 days. In this case, no personal information is stored, saved or collected. Sponsored External Links The website contains sponsored external links (such as advertisement links). These are served through the company’s partners who have their own detailed privacy policies that the user should search for and read. Clicking on any such links will send you to the advertiser’s website(s) through a referral program which may use cookies that track the number of referrals sent from the website. Users are advised that clicking on such sponsored external links is at their own risk. The website and the company cannot be held liable for any viruses, damages or implications resulting from visiting these external links. Other External Links The website takes regular, necessary steps and safeguards to ensure external links listed on the website are safe and secure. However, despite best efforts, users are advised to take caution and that clicking on such external links is at their own risk. The website and the company cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked websites and the website and the company cannot be held liable for any viruses, damages or implications resulting from visiting these external links. Communications Users may contact the website or the company through email or by using the form provided under the “contacts” page. Though every effort has been made to ensure that a safe and secure form submission process has been created, users are advised that doing so and providing personal information or data is at their own discretion and risk. The user’s personal information will always be kept private, stored securely for a maximum of 12 months and not passed onto a third party without the express written permission of the user. The website and the company may use information submitted by you to provide you with further information about the products and services the website or the company offers, to answer any enquires you may have made, or to respond to any position vacancies you may have applied for. This includes using your details to provide you with any relevant updates or non-advertising company news. Facebook & Twitter User interactions and communications made through external social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, which the website and the company regularly engage in, are subject to the various terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held by each social media site. Users are advised to become familiar with such terms and conditions and privacy policies and to use social media sites wisely when interacting and communicating personal information and data. Neither the website or the company will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media sites. The website and the company cannot be held liable for any viruses, damages or implications resulting from interacting or communicating with the website or the company through these social media sites, including but not limited to, Facebook fan pages for products and services associated with the website or the company.